Sunday, December 20, 2009

Any good recipes using TOFU or SEITAN? Or any good vegetarian recipes in general?

I'm newly vegetarian, and this is my first time purchasing Tofu and Seitan. I'm looking for really good vegetarian recipes...

Any personal recipes, websites or books you can recommend?Any good recipes using TOFU or SEITAN? Or any good vegetarian recipes in general?
I've been a vegetarian for 12 years. There's ALOT of good recipes out there, just experiment! And if you find a recipe you don't like, don't give up!!

Check out these websites. There's a lot of useful info and recipes!

Good luck!! good recipes using TOFU or SEITAN? Or any good vegetarian recipes in general?
That is an awesome website!!! I like that it doesn't use any crazy products, too!! Some food just sounds crazy but their stuff sounds really appetizing. Great job StarLite! Report Abuse

I have been vegetarian 9 years, vegan about 6. Tofu is best when you add texture and flavor. Stir fry at a very high temp to form a crust with garlic and ginger. Add all the veggies you can fit in the wok. Seitan has nice texture but can be dry. Create some sauce/gravy out of veggie stock and a little starch. Also good in a sandwhich with fresh veggies. Again, needs something to flavor it.
I like fried tofu and tofu casserole.

Cut tofu into small cubes

Add mushrooms



Veggie stock and a little bit of soy sauce

Put everything inside a casserole dish and bake it for 15 minutes. It is delicious
no. but i LOVE your avatar. it's hecka cute!
i've never made this, but one of my friends sauteed tofu in a pan with some soy sauce and veggies and it was really good. other wise just letting it soak in sauce and putting it with pasta and other stuff is really good. other than tofu, portabello mushrooms are delish. my mom puts cheese on top and stuff ( i dont kno how she cooks it) and its really good. there are websites and cookbooks that can give u other recipes
he is a great one, buy a very large zuchini cut into 1/4 inch circles and brown in olive oil and a little pepper, than cover the top with tomatoe sause and mozzorala cheese and chopped tofu and any other veggie you want, than put under the broiler until veggies are hot and cheese melts,don't forget to add a little garlic, zuke pizza!
hey im vegetarian!! yea veggie pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?wut the hell is seitan? oo can i try? wuts it made of?
i've been a vegetarian for a couple months to protest animal abuse in factory farms. On the PETA and Vegan Outreach websites they have lots of info on factory farms, healthy vegetarianism, and recipes. Make sure you are getting enough iron, protein, and vitamin B12. Those are the most important health issues for vegetarians. Two good books are Diet For a Small Planet and The Vegetarian Manifesto. The Moosewood Cookbook is also completley vegetarian. My favorite websites are,, and You can subscribe for a regular email from these organizations that keeps you up to date on the newest vegan foods and the latest activists' plans. Right now Jon Camp is touring the USA to promote vegetarianism and soon there's going to be a mass protest against KFC because the way KFC treats the chickens in the farms is awful. In fact, PETA's nickname for it is Kentucky Fried Cruelty. Read more about it on the PETA websites. Congratulations on being a new vegetarian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my favorite stir fry-

Firm or Extra Firm Tofu

Boc Choy



Pea pods


Cut the tofu into small chunks- stir fry in sesame oil until browned, add garlic to taste

Stir fry veggies seperately, then add together with your faovorite sauce- sweet%26amp;sour, peanut sauce, whatever- it's always good!
I have made tofu lasagna and it was absolutely delicious. I even used spinach lasagna noodles, crumbled (firm) tofu, with grated Monterey Pepper Jack cheese (I like it spicy)(and Feta cheese) and lots of chopped garlic and onion. Top with Parmesan Cheese. Yummy. I even had two friends who proclaimed ';yuck'; when I told them what it was, but, they tried it and ended up eating the entire pan of it!! haha
I recently was a cook at a Buddhist monastery and a few of the favs there were tofu sashimi, age w/ sushi, and tempeh salad.

Tofu sashimi: Slice extra firm tofu into 1/4 inch thick, arrange artfully on platter. serve with shoyu (soy sauce), scallions, pickled ginger, black sesame seeds, wasabi.

age w/ sushi: (sushi s really just rice) rinse age (fried tofu pocket) in boiling water. boil in dashi (soy, seaweed, mushroom broth) for 1 hour. Cook short grain (sushi) rice, 1 cup water 1 cup rice for 5 min. turn off heat. mix 1/4 cup rice vinegar, 1 tbl sugar, mix in rice. fan to cool. stuff tofu pockets w/ rice. YUM

tempeh salad: cut tempeh into small chunks cook for 12 min. let cool completely. mx w/ mayo, salt, pepper, lemon juice, onion. to taste, serve in pitas or on bread.
Just fry the tofu. Not too burned and not too soft. just right. then prepare a sauce using soy sauce and garlic. mix them together and enjoy!
Do you like the Mediterranean cuisine?

Then, check out also the link

It is also in english.

So, GOURMED- SHARE THE MED and thank you for the idea to do this question, I will keep all the answers!

try a good cookbook
Why ask me? I just got home!
you should go to or kraftfoods,com,they have some good vegetarian recipes for a lot of things,the lasagna is the best!
Awesome that you went veg, I did too (for the second time) a few weeks ago.

Honestly, I'm not that into tofu so I don't have any recipes for it, but I have a recipe for potato leek soup, which is my absolute favorite soup.

1 cup butter

2 leeks, sliced

1 quart vegetable broth

1 tablespoon cornstarch

4 cups potatoes (russet or yukon work), peeled and diced

2 cups cream

salt and pepper to taste

Cook the leeks in the butter until they're soft, stirring all every few minutes. It should take about 10 to 15 minutes. Pour the broth in with the cornstarch, stir, add the potatoes and bring it to a boil. Add the cream, stir, and reduce to a simmer until the potatoes are soft and tender. While simmering add the salt/pepper to taste.

If you want to make the recipe vegan, use soy in place of the dairy products.
Seitan Steaks. Chicken-Style. 3 cups vital gluten flour. 1/2 cup whole wheat flour. 1/2 cup tapioca starch. 3 tbsp poultry seasoning (a blend of sage, rosemary and thyme) 3 tbsp nutritional yeast. 3 1/3 cup cups hot...Jose
While in Japan, I had tofu in warm milk. Simple very nice for breakfast.
w/ firm tofu, fry in pan w/ olive oil and oyster sause. try this salad: lettuce, cherry tomatoes, olives, olive oil, toasted bread crumbs (not burnt!) and feta cheese
Yes, this is a table.
Good answers above.

Here is another site which is worth looking at. It's the site for the Vegetarian Society UK.....about the oldest in the world. Lot's of information for you to have a look at.
The best is

They have a catagory on Vegan and Vegetarian. Great, inexpensive stuff.
im vergetarian, stick to firm tofu, the soft has a wierd tecture. tofu takes on the flavor of nething u put with it. try for breakfast button squash, or ne kind of squash, cut up and cooked in a frying pan, cube or break the tofu, and cook for a couple minutes. scramble some eggs into it. and cook that, then add Sharp cheddar cheese, and serve. u can barley feel the tecture of the tofu and it taste really good.
on my favorite site I found:

915 recipes for Tofu:鈥?/a>


62 for Seitan:鈥?/a>
1 can of stewed tomatoes is what you need. You can get it from Walmart. Pour it in a boiling pot. Then get 1 can of corn. Drain the juice out of this one. Pour it into the pot. You can turn your stove heat on high, medium, or low. Cook it until it comes to a boil. It tastes better when you cook it slow. When its done I just pour it into my bowl and eat! Your in for a treat! Im not a vegetarian, but I tried this and it tastes delicious. I dont even have to add salt to it but everyone has different tastes of if you need salt or pepper.

I hope you try this recipe! Thanks for the 2 points!
Check out the asian kitchen like Thai and Indonesian.

My favorite Thai tofu dish:

Tom Yum soup

My favorite Indonesian tofu dishes:

gado gado and tahu pedis

Quick recipe for an on the go meal:

- prepare instant noodlesoup

- add spices, tofu and fresh rucola and beansprouts
Bar-B-Que Toufu

in a Sautee pan Sautee bell peppers(of all colors)

onions, with your choice of seasoning

then put sliced toufu iin the pan with the peppers until its a tan color, then through your choice of Bar-B-Oue sauce in the pan and let it simmer for about 20 minutes its really fast and tasteful meal.hope you enjoy!!!
I had to weigh in with a seitan recipe. The link below has more recipes and how to make seitan. I like White Wave brand:

One pkg seitan, thinly sliced

3-4 onions, chopped

sliced fresh mushrooms

scallions optional

red or green pepper (or both) sliced

soy sauce

Pkg pasta ( I use Udon preferably but any kind will do, and vary amt according to taste.)

In large wok or pan saute in soy sauce (dilute with some water or amino acids if necessary) the onions, seitan and other vegetables until wilted. In separate pan boil and drain pasta according to directions on pkg. Put pasta into wok and thoroughly mix and you've got one of the best dishes ever!! Enjoy.

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